Monday, September 30, 2019

Negative Effects of Technology Essay

The advantages of technology are undeniable, electronic devices make our life much easier as we can save time and money when using them: cars, microwaves, mobile phones†¦ In contrast, there are a lot of disadvantages that we don’t take into account. The recession is not the only cause of unemployment: technology has enabled multinational companies to replace their workers with machines. This business process has created job redundancies and downsizing. In addition, local agencies and music stores have been forced to shut down since items are available online. Technology may have made communication quicker, easier and more convenient but it has also brought along privacy issues. People are now worried about their once private information becoming public knowledge. In order to feel secure at the work place is necessary to be in constant learning mode, as technology keeps on changing every day. There is always a new discovery or development that may be useful to make our job safer. Also, the more technology that we create the more technology that we dispose of. This problem is exponentially growing. Practically everyone has a cell phone which has a life span of about 3 or 4 years, when we replace them they are usually thrown into a big pile and released harmful agents into the environment. Related to cell phones, I have found 3 key points that explain how do they affect on humans health: 1. First of all, studies have not shown a consistent link between cell phone use and cancers of the brain, nerves, or other tissues of the head or neck. More research is needed because cell phone technology and how people use cell phones have been changing rapidly. 2. Nevertheless, you need to know that cell phones emit radiofrequency energy, a form of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, which can be absorbed by tissues closest to where the phone is held. 3. The amount of radiofrequency energy we are exposed to depends on the technology of the phone, the distance between the phone’s antenna and the user, the extent and type of use, and the userâ €™s distance from cell phone towers. Technology has also affected society in general. Even the fact that we can now communicate at any time anywhere may sound like a good thing, the fact remains that people do not interact personally with one another as often as they used to. This has affected the interaction between people as it has created a barrier in personable, face-to-face communication. As a result, there are certain habits that are losing relevance among people such as going out to play a basketball match or meeting a friend at a coffee shop. This is happening because people don’t feel the need to step outside of their home to find entertainment and fun. Technology is a privilege to have but interaction with other people is crucial, and being responsible for one’s actions and not letting technology rule our lives is very important too. I am not saying that all technology is bad or evil, but we do need to be careful that we don’t become slaves to our own creations. Bibliography:  · Anon, 2009. Negative effects of modern day technology. Available at: [Accessed December 13, 2012].  · Aydan Corkern, 2009. The Negative Effects Of Advancing Technology On Society. Available at: [Accessed December 14, 2012].  · Veethi Telang, 2011. Negative Impact of technology. Available at: [Accessed December 14, 2012].

Sunday, September 29, 2019

My Personal Experience with Religion

I have considered myself a religious person for most of my life.   I was saved at ten years old, but I have been in church since I was two years old.   I know that many people say that religion and Christianity are not the same, but I am one of those few people who do believe that religion is important to.   I think that you cannot have one without the other.   They are both vital to the spiritual makeup of a person. If it had not been for my acceptance of Christ and the Holy Spirit that dwells in me, I don’t know what would have happened to me.   I definitely would not be the person that I am today.   I have always prayed about everything.   I believe that God is my spiritual father, and just like I talk with my biological father and converse with him everyday, I talk with my heavenly about everything. I believe that it is very hard to talk freely with a stranger.   Before you open up and bare your soul to someone, there is an established relationship.   It is the same with God.   It is extremely hard to take everything to him if a person does not know him.   I cannot remember a time when I have not had a relationship with him. It has made a huge difference in my life to be able to talk to him about everything.   I have actually had many prayers answered.   There is no way that I could remember all of them since they have happened every day of my life.   Therefore, my spiritualism has grown and changed over time.   When I was much younger, I saw God as one who had to be obeyed, but I have now grown to the point where I actually do have a relationship with him.   I used to worry so much about how I would handle everything in my life. Now I know that it is all in God’s hands.   I have learned that I have to completely trust him, and that all of my plans and worrying is not going to help.  Ã‚   It sounds on paper like I have just given up, but nothing can be further from the truth.   I have actually gotten stronger, and the time I used to spend on worrying, I now spend on talking to God. I do think that my religion has helped to strengthen my relationship with God.   It is through my religion that I have a church family of people who I can depend upon for my strength.   It is a wonderful sense of well being when I know that I have a whole host of people behind me that love and care about me because of our common beliefs through Jesus Christ.   I also believe that a religion is easier to understand when you are a part of it because you have access to others to teach you.   I have always had mentors and ministers to help me in my understanding of the faith that I have chosen. They not only tell me what they believe about it, but they have encouraged me to seek the scriptures to find my answers, and since they are more experienced than I am, they can steer me in the right direction to find those scriptures.   The faith that I am associated with encourages its members to seek answers from the scripture.   It is not encouraged to accept something just because a person tells us that is the way that it is.   I have many friends from other faiths, and it is nearly impossible for them to overcome the stereotypes that they have heard about my religion.   I find that I have the same problem when it comes to theirs as well. As I stated earlier, my religion encourages its members to try our beliefs with what the scriptures says.   Because of that I do think that I can remain objective.   I have learned that when I challenge something that someone of my faith says is right or wrong, I can go to the scriptures and if it is not there, I can choose to disregard the opinion.   In fact I believe that everyone has challenged at least one thing that their religion upholds.   I think that is only human and it is perfectly natural. If one cannot be objective and at least listen to both sides of a religious topic, then the person must look closely at whether he/she is brainwashed.   Questioning and objectivity is a good thing.   One cannot grow and accept other if he/she does not remain objective.   The only thing that cannot be changed what the Bible says about an issue. My life has been a full one and it has been steeped in religion.   I have enjoyed it immensely.   I am proud of the way that I have grown in my religion and my faith.   I would have to say that my religious experience has been a totally positive experience. Works Cited Warren, Rick. The Purpose Driven Life. 2003. Nashville: Zonderman Press. The Sacred Ritual There have been many sacred rituals that I have participated in during the course of my life.   The one that I enjoy the most and that has had the most impact on me is communion.   It is something that started with the night of Jesus’ arrest before his crucifixion.   I believe that the ritual is so beautiful and meaningful that I get emotional every time I take it. When I was a little child, I could not understand why all of the adults got to eat and drink from those cute cups and I could not have it.   Therefore, I suppose I hated the ritual at first.   I especially couldn’t understand how my own mother, who share everything with her children, could eat and drink in front of us and not even give us a taste.   I remember that her attempts at explaining it to us were feeble at best, so I would get angry every communion.   I cannot help but get a little tickled even today when I hear the small children at my church when communion is served.   Most of them are questioning their parents and grandparents and I automatically go back to my youth in my mind and remember all of my frustrations. Once I was saved and was able to take communion, I was just so glad that I was one of the big people, that I still did not realize the significance of what I was doing.   It was not until I was in my late teens that I realized what it was really all about.   At my church, a sermon on communion is always preached.   It might seem repetitive to some, but like a favorite bedtime story, or favorite movie, it is a joy to revisit the seen of the last supper.   I love the part where Jesus explains to the disciples what each part of the ritual means, and I enjoy what the Apostle Paul explains that it is not just a fellowship supper, but a meaningful link between Jesus and the Christian people. I find it refreshing during the part where all of the Christians in the church take time to reflect on the sins in their lives.   Sometimes it is painful when they are remembered, but after I have asked forgiveness, I feel as fresh as a newborn baby.   I am ready to start over.   There is also a time to ask forgiveness of others that we might have wronged.   This is also a special time.   I love it when I am reunited with someone that I have been at odds with. Then there is the sacred time of sharing the bread and the cup with our Lord Jesus.   The bread is the symbol of the body of Christ.   When we break it to eat it, it symbolizes what cruelties were done to his body.   I was not in Jerusalem the day of the crucifixion, but by taking part in communion I can be.   He died as much for me as he did the ones living at the time.   Therefore, when I break the bread, I am actually symbolizing that I did break his body so that he could die for my sins.   Then I drink from the cup that is supposed to represent the blood of Christ.   Without the shedding of blood, there can be no forgiveness of sin.   When I drink from the cup, I symbolize that his blood was spilled, and only through the spilling of the Savior’s blood could I be saved. When I ponder these things, I get chilled just knowing what Jesus has done for me and every other person.   He did not have to, but he willingly went to the cross for us.   Communion is one of the ways that I get to be reminded of the tremendous gift that Christ gave to all mankind. Works Cited The Holy Bible. King James Version. New York: Thomas Nelson Press. My Understanding Since I have taken this class, I have had a little better understanding of evil in the world.   I say a little because I have thought about this so much that my feelings on the matter have progressed over a long period of time. I feel that there are many reasons that God allows evil to exist in the world.   I believe that man has a great deal to do with it.   Yes, God is all powerful, but he allows us to live with the mess that we have made.   I will use the example of the horrible Hurricane Katrina.   There were many good people who lost everything that they had and many even lost their lives.   The same can be said of those who had not lived good lives.   There were babies who died, many elderly, and many in the prime of their lives. Some might question why God would allow this to happen.   Instead they should question man.   It was man who built so many houses and cleared so many forest and wetlands that the water had no where to go.   It was man who built underneath Lake Pontchartrain, and it was man who did not do adequate upkeep on the levies.   It could be argued that man helped create the hurricane itself with his utter disregard to the environment which is leading to global warming.   It is man who has to live with the decisions he and others before him have made.   God designed the earth to be perfect.   It was man who messed things up and brought sin into the earth.   If he had stopped man, then he would have taken away personal choice. My ability to understand what is right and wrong has changed over the years.   First I accepted what my parents told me was right and wrong.   When I became a teen, I judged what was right and wrong with what I wanted to do and think.   Now I search the scriptures.   I read the Bible as much as I can, and I have a pretty good feel for the obvious things that are right and wrong.   I will argue an opinion, but when it comes to the Word of God, I feel that if it is in the Bible, then that is the way that it is. I pray about situations that I have a difficult time determining what is right and wrong, and God never fails to send me a sign.   Sometimes it is not the one that I wanted, but he still delivers.   I also rely on what many people call a conscious, but I feel is the Holy Spirit.   I believe if I listen to the still small voice within me, then it is usually more right than what society tells me is right and wrong. Socrates` question: `Is something right because God commands it or does he command it because it is right?`   I feel that there are times that people think too much and this is an example.   Words are powerful and they can also have the power to confuse us.   I feel that God only commands what is right and he is omnipotent therefore he is right.   If he is the creator of all things, and I believe that he is, then he created right and wrong.   At the same time he commands things to be right because he determined it.   God is right. Works Cited Stearns, Bill. Fine Lines: Knowing God's Right/Wrongs for Your Life. San Bernardino: Here’s Life Publishers. 1987.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Should the Endangered Species Act be Strengthend Essay

Should the Endangered Species Act be Strengthend - Essay Example Species have an indescribable amount of benefits to humans-with some not yet discovered. â€Å"An antibiotic was discovered in the soils of the threatened New Jersey Pine Barrens Natural Area, a species of perennial corn was found in Mexico; it is resistant to several diseases of corn and an insect was discovered that when frightened produces an excellent insect-repelling chemical.† (Regina Bailey, The Endangered Species Act was passed in 1973 in order to control the fast rate of extinction for a variety of beneficial reasons discussed further in the paper. The Endangered Species Act In order to foster the Protection and conservation of endangered species, the Endangered Species Act was passed on December 28, 1973 by Richard Nixon. Presently, the Act is administered by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). According to the National Wildlife Federation, since 2009, 1361 plants and animals in th e US have been listed as endangered or threatened. The FWS carries out a multiple research on different species and they are organization responsible for listing a species as endangered. For a specie to be considered endangered, a number of factors are considered such as; the amount of its habitat destroyed, is it being over-consumed, is it being threatened by disease or other predation or are there other man made factors affecting its survival. The Endangered Act of 1973; authorizes the determination and listing of listing species as endangered and threatened. It prohibits the unauthorized taking, possession, sale and transport of endangered species. It provides authority to acquire land for the conservation of listed species, using land and water conservation funds; it authorizes the establishment of cooperative agreements and grants-in-aid to states that establish and maintain active and adequate programs for endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; it authorizes the assess ment of civil and criminal penalties for violating the Act or regulations; and authorizes the payment of rewards to anyone furnishing information leading to arrest and conviction for any violation of the Act or any regulation issued hereunder. (Cited from, May 7, 2011) Should the Endangered Species Act be strengthened? It is seen by some non-environmentalists as a weapon used by radical environmentalists and is the most wasteful and counterproductive laws in the books. In addition to that, they believe that it practically turned into a tool exerting political leverage. Some are even vouching for cancellation of the ‘critical habitat’ designation which limits development in the habitat of endangered species. With reference to some consulted literature- the majority of persons wanting to trash the 1973 legislation is more than the amount who want to strengthen the Act by 9%. The researcher is in total disagreement with the persons who want to the Act to be demolis hed and considers these actions selfish. The Endangered Species Act of 1973 is one of the most important laws passed in America of all time. It’s had many successes and undoubtedly will have far greater success if and when strengthened. America has a fast rate of extinction and should the Act not be strengthened or demolished we will all be faced with the consequences. Considering all the benefits discussed in this paper, there should be enough reason for the act to be strengthened. There are

Friday, September 27, 2019

Final project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Final project - Essay Example The main conditions found in comorbidity to MDD includes Obsessive Compulsive disorder,Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and the Panic Disorders. (Kessler,1996) Currently the treatment of MDD is centred around the selective serotonin reuptake receptor inhibitors (SSRI). This is based on the fact the main mood elevator neurotransmitter of our body and found at synaptic junctions are actively reuptake so the availibilty of serotonin at the synapse decreases, reducing the mood and causing depression. SSRIs inhibits this uptake by inhibiting the reuptake receptors of serotonin in the presynaptic regions found in the nucleus accumbens and ventral tegmentum area and hence causing mood elevations. Although antidepressant medications are often prescribed to people with MDD, it is estimated that 20-40% of depressed people do not benefit from taking medication ( Kirsch 2008,Hays,1995)).Apart from the efficacy these medications can also cause side effects like drying of mouth, insomnia and others amongst the few. Thus, researchers are developing other possible ways to reduce depressive symptoms. One such depression treatment alternative to medication is the transcranial magnetic stimulation or TMS. Briefly, TMS treatment involves placing a coil on the scalp surface and passing a current through it (the exact details of the strength and rate of the current are beyond our purposes). When the current passes into neural tissue it affects the way the neurons operate, in a therapeutic way. Objective and Aim of the Study We wanted to analyze whether the TMS approach is effective in reduction of the episodes of depression from the baseline levels at the end of week 4 in the major depressive disorder patients. Methodology The study was conducted across multiple sites but the procedures were the same across locations. The sites involved were Florida, Oregon, and Washington. Across locations, participants with a history of antidepressant-resistant MDD were randomly assigned to either a n active or a sham TMS condition. In the active condition, participants were actually given the TMS treatment. In the sham condition, participants were not given the TMS treatment but went through a similar procedure in each session (e.g., they came in for sessions in which a coil was placed on their heads but no current was run through it). So the sham condition was considered to be a type of placebo treatment. This was done to minimize the treatment limited bias of the study. The study was run double-blind so that neither the participant nor the assistant running the session was aware of which condition the participant was in. Thus the experimental design of the study was a randomized, multicentric, placebo controlled double blind study. This design definitely was important to give the way for a powerful analysis. The MADRS scores which is the set of scores that signifies the extent of depression of various parameters were analyzed to give a final depression score. The convention is, more the MADRS scores more is the depression and vice versa. Thus the results were analyzed by comparing the MADRS scores at baseline and at 4 weeks after the TMS treatments were implemented to see the effect of that approach on MDD patients. Statistical analysis was carried out through SPSS software and paired sample t test was carried to find out the levels of significance. P values less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results We analyzed findings on 4 questions to reach a conclusion. Q1.Ignoring the TMS condition and

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Criminal law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Criminal law - Essay Example (Lord Diplock in R v Miller)2 The actus reus and mens rea need to coincide, however the requirement is interpreted broadly. (Fagan v. Commissioner of Police3) In certain circumstances omissions can count as sufficient actus reus. One of the situation is where the conduct of the defendant created a situation of danger. (R v. Miller)4 The acts of Dot attract s.1(1) the actus reus of which requires a person destroying or damaging any property which belongs to another. The actus reus must be voluntary. (Woolmington v. DPP)5 The destruction or damage of the property must impair the value or usefulness of the property. (A v R)6. Such destruction or damaged must be without lawful excuse that is there is no honest belief on the part of the defendant that the owner consented to such destruction or damage. (Denton)7 In the current situation the actus reus of Dot was by way of an omission as he was the one who created the situation of danger. The next element in actus reus is that he of destruction or damage, clearly the fire had led to damage being caused to the shed. Clearly Dot did not have any lawful excuse to cause such destruction as he merely wanted such destruction so as to further the value of his property. Dot acquired the intention of such destruction when he refrained to constrain the damage by letting the fire to grow and destruct the shed and therefore the mens rea of the offence would be proved. (Cunliffe v Goodman)9 Since the elements of actus reus and mens rea are proved it is pertinent to point to s.1(3) which states that destruction by fire would be charged as arson which, if proved, carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. Furthermore such an offence is to be treated separately from criminal damage.(R v. Booth)10. It is clear that the destruction caused was by fire and therefore Dot would be charged under arson. He clearly does not have any defence to

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Spalting wood history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Spalting wood history - Essay Example Although there was a reduction in use of splated wood in art and craft between the mid-16th and early 20th centuries, scientists have been continually using spalting in wood. In the early 1900s, there was an increased interest with spalting for people who knew it as a craft material, a biological artifact or those that saw it as a nuisance that needed control. The anamorph of Chlorciboria as Dothiorina tulasnei were classified by Hohnel (1915), Robert Hartig in a 1900 publication Lehrbuch der Pfanzenkrankheiten, wrote the fungal cause of blue stained lumber and suggested the fungus Ceratostoma piliferum which is currently known as Ceratocystis pilifera, widely known as blue stain fungus as culprit. Fredrick Tom Brooks filed a patent in 1913 called Improvements in or Relating to Colouring and/or Preserving Wood because of the possibilities of pigmented spalted wood (Brooks 1913). Brooks was comfortable enough with the green stain pigment production of the Chlorociboria genus to induce it artificially in wood, which he retrieved from the work of Vuillemin, despite that during this time, the work of fungi on wood was on the onset of development. Brooks used single spore isolations to inoculate sterilized wood, incubated it under wet and sterile conditions and dried the wood before decay could take place. His identification of the specific genus that creates the unique blue-gree wood of historic intarsias was perfect. The specific species that he would like to work with Chlorosplenium aeruginosum and Peziza aeruginosa are detailed in his patent as fungi that can produce green stain in wood, and are limited to the colonization of other wood decay fungi. Today, spalting is inducedby similar processes to Brook’s inoculation method. Brooks’ patent came up during when pigmented wood found on a merchantable timber was being investigated heavily to find out cause. In 1903, the United States Department

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Implementing Organizational Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Implementing Organizational Change - Essay Example The third stage is process reengineering. In this stage it is assumed that incremental changes have a minimal impact, important improvements may be attained by disregarding how the process is undertaken during the present and starting on a clean slate. The final stage is the corporate transformation that is more drastic and involves changes that affect the organization in general. It may include acquisitions and mergers. One of my peers posted an article on Tichy’s three types of change. The article stated that any change within an organization was caused by changes in the technical, political and cultural aspects. This article was properly researched however failed to take into account the stages of change within an entity (Lune, 2006). The other article was on Balogun and Hope-Hailey’s Change Model. This model states that there are four types of change within organizations that take four strategies into account. Two classifications are based on the end result and include realignment and transformation. The other two classes are based on nature of change and include big bang and incremental

Monday, September 23, 2019

Criminal Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Criminal Justice - Essay Example According to Jacob Wetterling Act, a state registration must require current address registration for a period of 10 years for persons convicted of a criminal offense against a victim who is a minor or a sexually violent Offense. A minor is a person below the age of 18 years. There are specific definitions in Washington which are used to identify how an offender victimizes a minor; kidnapping of a minor and false imprisonment (except the parent), sexual conduct with the minor, manipulating of a minor to engage in sexual conduct, use of a minor in sexual performance, solicitation of a minor to practice prostitution, and any conduct that its nature a sexual offense against a minor. In 1996, the Megan’s law according to Wetterling act provided a community notification on the sex offender registration and which brought about online sex offender registration websites. Adam Walsh child protection and safety act (2006) is the most recent federal law, which organized sex offenders int o a three-tier system with third tier registrants having the most rigorous registration requirements. The third tier requirements of sex offenders (RSOs) required the offenders to update or verify their information every three months and are registered in their lifetime. Failure to update information as required under this act one was to have committed a felony offense while a sexually violent offense is any criminal offense that consists of aggravated sexual abuse or an offense that has its elements engaged in physical contact with another person with the intention of committing such an offense. In Washington all juveniles who are sex offenders were required to register. But in other states the juveniles are required to register after attaining of 18 yrs or 21 yrs. Sex offender registration and notification helped to reduce the case of sex offenders recidivism by calling their attention through the sex offender websites, letters sent home with children, door to door notification an d also flyers. However the efficiency of this registration remains questionable with research to date indicating only nominal success. Also the registration facilitates the following; deterring offenders from committing future crimes; enhances enforcement of law and the protection of public rights. Adkins, G. Huff, D. & Stageberg, P. (2000) The Iowa sex offender registry and recidivism. Des Moines: Iowa Department of Human Rights Schram, D.D., & Milloy, C.D. (1995). Community notification: A study of offender characteristics and recidivism. Washington State Institute for Public Policy. Seattle, WA: Urban Policy Research. SEX OFFENDER REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS Sex offenders are required to register upon release from confinement or when sentenced to community supervision. The department of correction or the sentencing court registers the offender upon release to probation and alerts the offender of the requirement to register locally. The local registering agencies occur at the local police department in the jurisdiction where an offender resides. In community supervision, the supervisor officer is required to maintain information for the duration of supervision because when the supervision ends the law enforcement is responsible for offender’s registration information. Also the state registration law applies to offenders convicted in other States. According to the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Leadership and change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Leadership and change - Essay Example All the employees presented such a feeling mainly due to neurosis or mental distress. This means, if an employee or employees are not mentally satisfied with the organizational culture or management strategies then such a situation arises. Not only this, maximum extent of co-workers reacted very roughly that lowered my perception towards them. Such a situation aroused mainly due to lack of communication or interpersonal skills. As the employees created a communicational gap within me and them, so their level of dedication and commitment towards the assigned goals also declined significantly. Along with this, the level of performance and productivity of the employees of my department also reduced that hampered the portfolio of the organization in the market. In addition, due to lack of dedication, our department failed to achieve the targets that hindered our reputation among other subsequent departments of the organization. Moreover, due to communicational gap, the other employees of our department failed to converse with me that hampered the operations and functions of the organization to a significant extent. As a result of which, the brand image and dominance of me, as a supervisor declined significantly that proved extremely worse for me and the organization. If a similar above mentioned situation is again faced by me, then I would organise a meeting with all my colleagues and interpersonally communicate with them. In that meeting, I would try to analyse and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each employee at the time of communication so as to reduce the gap among them. Apart from this, such an interpersonal communication might help the employees to communicate effectively with me that might enhance the motivational skills of both of us. This might prove effective in enhancement of the dedication power of the employees thereby amplifying their performance and efficiency at work. In addition, to enhance the

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Diabetes mellitus, Essay Example for Free

Diabetes mellitus, Essay Since diabetes is such a complex disease with many different forms, we decided to focus on diabetes type I. This is known as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). This type of diabetes includes people who are dependant on injections of insulin on a daily basis in order to satisfy the bodies insulin needs, they cannot survive without these injections. OVERVIEW OF DIABETES TYPE I What is diabetes type I? In order to understand the disease we firstly need to know about insulin. Insulin is a hormone. The role of insulin is to convert the food we eat into various useful substances, discarding everything that is wasteful. It is the job of insulin to see that the useful substances are put to best use for our well-being. The useful substances are used for building cells, are made ready for immediate expenditure as energy and also stored for later energy expenditure. The cause of diabetes is an absolute or lack of the hormone insulin. As a result of this lack of insulin the processes that involve converting the foods we eat into various useful substances does not occur. Insulin comes from the beta cells which are located in the pancreas. In the case of diabetes type I almost all of the beta cells have been destroyed. Therefore daily injections of insulin become essential to life. Health implications of diabetes type I One of the products that is of vital importance in our bodies is glucose, a simple carbohydrate sugar which is needed by virtually every part of our body as fuel to function. Insulin controls the amount of glucose distributed to vital organs and also the muscles. In diabetics due to the lack of insulin and therefore the control of glucose given to different body parts they face death if they dont inject themselves with insulin daily. Since strict monitoring of diabetes is needed for the control of the disease, little room is left for carelessness. As a result diabetic patients are susceptible to many other diseases and serious conditions if a proper course of treatment is not followed. Other diseases a diabetic is open to: Cardiovascular disease, stroke, Peripheral artery disease, gangrene, kidney disease, blindness, hypertension, nerve damage, impotence etc. Basically there is an increased incident of infection in diabetic sufferers. Therefore special care needs to be taken to decrease the chances of getting these other serious diseases. PHYSICAL ACTIVITY What is physical activity? (Bouchard 1988) States that physical activity is any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles resulting in energy expenditure. Therefore this includes sports and leisure activities of all forms. Why do we need physical activity in our lives? Physical activity and exercise helps tune the human machine, our bodies. Imagine a car constantly driven only to stop for fuel. It would be a client for all sorts of damage, rusting, oil leaking, dehydration and the chances are most likely it would die in the middle of the road not long after. This is what the body would be like if we didnt exercise at all. We would be and as a result of todays lifestyle many of us are, the perfect target to all kinds of diseases and infections. For those of us who are carrier of some disease or illness we are still encouraged to exercise by our physicians if we have the strength to. This is to help make our organs, muscles, bones and arteries more efficient and better equipped to fight against the disease or illness. This is our way of counter attacking. And if we are still healthy then we reduce the chances of getting an illness or a disease. PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND DIABETES (EPIDEMIOLOGY) Recently insulin injections have become available to dependant patients. However in the pre-insulin era physical exercise was one of the few therapies available to physicians in combating diabetes. For an IDDM carrier to benefit from exercise they need to be well aware of their body and the consequences of exercising. If an IDDM carrier has no real control over their situation and just exercise without considering their diet, time of insulin intake, type of exercise, duration of the exercise and the intensity, then the results can be very hazardous to the patient. In the first journal article that I used for this part of the research (Sutton 1981) had conducted an investigation on drugs used in metabolic disorders. The article is designed to provide some background information on previous beliefs and research conducted early this century. As well as his own investigations conducted during the beginning of the 1980s. He has compared the results and came to the same conclusion as the investigations done early in this century. Suttons findings show that decrease in blood glucose following an insulin injection was magnified when the insulin was followed by physical activity/exercise (see figure 1). This shows that if a person gets involved in physical activity or exercise after insulin the volume of glucose drops dramatically. This leads to symptoms of hypoglycemia. The reason this occurs is that glucose uptake by muscles increase during exercise, in spite of no change or even a diminishing plasma insulin concentration. As a result of this type of information we know now that if a patient is not controlled through a good diet and program then they could put themselves in danger. A person who might be poorly maintained and ketotic will become even more ketotic and hypoglycimic. Good nutrition is of great importance to any individual especially one that exercises. In the case of diabetes even more consideration must go into the selection of food before and after exercise. Doctors suggest large intakes of carbohydrates before exercise for diabetes carriers to meet the glucose needs of the muscles. The second article that I used was that of Konen, et al. He and his colleagues conducted testing and research on changes in diabetic urinary and transferrin excretion after moderate exercise. This article was a report of the way the research was conducted and its findings. The researched found that urinary proteins, particularly albumin, increase in urinary excretion after moderate exercise. Albumin which is associated with micro- and macrovascular diseases in diabetic patience was found to increase significantly in IDDM patients, while remaining normal in non-diabetics. (See table 1 and 2 for results) These results cannot be conclusive to say that this shows that exercise causes other micro- and macrovascular diseases in diabetics. Since albumin is not associated with any disease in non-diabetics then the same may be the case for diabetics as well. However further research is required to find out why such a significant increase occurs in diabetic patients and what it really means. It obvious that there are many very complicated issues associated with diabetes which cannot be explained at this stage. Therefore much more research is required and its only a matter of time for these complications to resolved. Although there are no firm evidence to suggest that exercise will improve or worsen diabetes still it is recommended by physicians. Aristotle and the Indian physician, Sushruta, suggested the use of exercise in the treatment of diabetic patients as early as 600 B.C. And during late last century and early this century many physician claimed that the need for insulin decreased in exercising patients. The benefits of exercise in non-diabetic individuals is well known. For example reduce the risk of heart disease. This makes exercise very important to diabetic carriers since they are at a greater risk of getting heart disease than non-diabetics. Unquestionably, its important for diabetics to optimise cardiovascular and pulmonary parameters as it is for non-diabetic individual. Improved fitness can improve ones sense of well-being and ability to cope with physical and psychological stresses that can be aggravated in diabetes.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Patient Safety The Importance of good record keeping

Patient Safety The Importance of good record keeping The purpose of this essay is to look at four of the principles from the Nursing Midwifery Council (NMC) document, principles of good record keeping. The NMC is the United Kingdoms regulator for the nursing and midwifery professionals. It is a professionals responsibility to follow the NMC code, principles of good record keeping, to help safeguard the health and wellbeing of the public (NMC, 2009). These four principles chosen states, Individuals should record details of any assessments and reviews undertaken and provide clear evidence of the arrangements that have been made for future and ongoing care, including any details of information given about care or treatment (NMC, 2009). Ensure records should be accurate and recorded in such a way that the meaning is clear (NMC, 2009). Where appropriate the person in your care or their carer should be involved in the record keeping process (NMC, 2009) and finally Individuals have a duty to communicate fully and effectively with colleagues, ensuring that they have all the information they need about the people in their care (NMC, 2009). In addition to these four principles, this essay is going to discuss each principle and the impact that the principles have on a patients care plan and how the principles maintain within a patients care plan. Record keeping is a fundamental part of nursing practice (Giffiths et al, 2007:1324-1327). The role of good record keeping is to ensure that all healthcare professionals know what care and treatment the patient is receiving. The first principle of good record keeping being discussed states individuals should record details of any assessments and reviews undertaken and provide clear evidence of arrangements that have been made for the future of ongoing care. This should also include details of information given about care and treatment (NMC, 2009). One of the main evidenced based records in a care setting is a care plan. A care plan is a written record that informs individuals about the care and treatment of the patient (Barrett et al, 2009:5-6). Care plans develop using the nursing process. This involves a systematic approach involving assessment, planning, implementing and evaluating. This method provides a framework for professionals, which enables the making of a care plan to be developed, allowing professionals to meet the needs of the patient and protect their welfare (Wright, 2005:71-73). When admitting a patient into a care environment undergoing an assessment is essential. This should cover all basic needs such as hygiene, social, physical and safety needs of the patient, which would also include internal homeostasis needs, for instance temperature, pulse, respiration and blood pressure (Geyer, 2007:29-30). While patients care is ongoing, a document that is widely used within an acute side of the health care setting is EWS; this early warning sign document is a tool that protects the welfare of patients while receiving care from professionals. This tool can enable early detection of patients deterioration, based on measuring vital signs. This tool can highlight risk when monitoring patients and detect when the need for further intervention is required of skilled practitioners (Mohammed et al, 2009:18-24). Assessments can involve a variety of tools the purpose of these tools is to help professionals do their job properly and help toward assessing priority of care (Barrett et al, 2009:87-94). Assessing and planning are ongoing while the patient is receiving treatment. Documenting in a patients record while care is ongoing shows clear evidence of what as to be established, demonstrating the interaction that multi disciplinary teams provides, from the time a patient is admitted in to a care setting to when they are discharged (Barrett et al, 2009:20-23). Within a care plan relevant information is stored about the patient, this should enable all professionals to develop a knowledge of the patient and enable them to have an empathetic understanding of the social, psychological and physical wellbeing of that individual (Barrett et al, 2009:47-56). A patients individual file will also contain details about the history of the patient, this can highlight any risk apparent, ensuring all professionals delivering care to individuals are aware of the patients condition, any known allergies, care required to be delivered and any treatment the patient is receiving. The assessment and planning stage of the nursing process provides an accurate method of which the care plan document can guide professionals. The implementing stage enables professionals to deliver the care agreed and planned throughout written communication. The evaluating stage enables professionals to plan effectively. These four methods of the nursing process is a requirement when developing a care plan this then enables multi-disciplinary teams to be able to provide effective care when protecting the welfare of patients (Wright, 2005:71-73). Documenting the whole care planning process from assessment to evaluation as soon as it has happened is very important. Incomplete documents can cause the patients to suffer through no fault of their own; professionals have a legal responsibility to record documents. Documents need recording in multiple ways. However, written and electronic methods are the main ones widely used within a care environment, with whatever method used records sho uld remain accurate and easily understood. The principle of good record keeping from the NMC, 2009 also suggests, Records should be accurate and recorded in such a way that the meaning is clear (NMC, 2009). Implementing good record keeping in a care plan is relevant for the importance of promoting the welfare of patients. Clinical records shared the whole time a patient is receiving care or treatment and all health records should remain legible. Health professionals read records on a daily basis and it is important that the information in documents can be understood (Powell, 2009:300-301). Records can contain poor handwriting, which can then become very difficult to read, this can have an effect on care delivered to the patient. If individuals do not understand the writing within a patients records, mistakes can occur and put patients at greater risk. Health care records provide a lot of information about patients and it is vital it remains correct. The type of errors made when recording information can include, unreadable handwriting, jargon, spelling errors, typing errors and not recording essential information. Missing out information while documenting in records can put a patient at jeopardy and this highlights a cause for concern. For instance, a patient takes their medication but the nurse who g ave the medication forgot to document it. If professionals do not receive information of when, what time and the date medicines administered to a patient, it may mislead other nurses taking over from another shift causing professional errors and risk of an overdose may occur to the patient (Dimond, 2005:568-570). When recording in medical documents using medical abbreviations can be confusing, especially if the nurse is not familiar with the medical terminology. Professionals perform shortening down medical terminology into a variety of abbreviations throughout healthcare. The nursing and midwifery council makes it clear that abbreviations do not shorten, as there are dangers in using them. Professionals maybe mistaken by abbreviations in documents, this is when misunderstandings can occur. If abbreviations are mistaken and assumed to stand for something else, if implemented it can cause harm to the patient. For instance NFR; not for resuscitation or either way this could mean neurophysiological facilitation of respiration, which is a physical therapy. This abbreviation could cause fatal consequence if it suggests in a patient document that the patient is not required to have NFR and it does not make it clear within that record. Eliminating abbreviations when recording information is crucial as all records should express a clear detailed response (Dimond, 2008:196-198). Information in records should remain clear and accurate, as they are a legal document, for not only the safety of the patient but it also protects individuals from charges of negligence and other forms of malpractice. If a patient comes into any legal disputes, documents should remain professional as it is an individual responsibility as a professional to be legally responsible for what they write and all records should be legible to stand up in court if necessary (Powell, 2009:300-301), this shows how crucial record keeping is. Brooker Waugh 2007 states, If nursing care is not written down then it did not happen. When documents are being produced, where appropriate the person in your care, or their carer, should be involved in the record keeping process (NMC, 2009). This principle is an ongoing development throughout nursing practice, as well as involving patients in any decisions about care and treatment. Communication between nurse and patient develop to deliberate on the arrangement of care. Information within this discussion may come from close family members or carers, if the patients are not able to speak for themselves. Professionals require information from relatives and other individuals close to the family, this is vital within the process of record keeping. Exchanging information is essential to provide safe care towards the patient. During development of record keeping it is important to involve the patient or carers to confirm the care discussed, this is important because the clients care needs clarifying with the overall concept of the care plan and the process of its delivery. This enables the sharing of information throughout multi-disciplinary teams and allowing professionals throughout a variety of services to have access to medical records whenever they may require it (NMC, 2008). Patients records can be vital to staff who do not know the patient well, individuals giving consent for their file to be shared helps professionals to do their job. This then allows the individuals to provide a duty of care and enables professionals to protect the welfare of their patients. The last principle additionally advises, Individuals have a duty to communicate fully and effectively with colleagues, ensuring that they have all information they need about the people in their care (NMC, 2009). Nursing records are an evidence based communication tool; healthcare records are largely significant in communicating detailed information from one service to another. Clinical records are a source of communication throughout the healthcare sector, providing information to protect the wellbeing of individuals. It is essential that good communication is able to develop throughout multidisciplinary teams, ensuring all information exchanged concern patients for which professionals deliver care. When professionals are exchanging information, it provides a foundation for which the continuity of care to patients can continue. Information reported should be clear to professionals so they are up to date of the clients condition, not only verbally but also manually. (McGeehan, 2007:5 1-54). Verbal communication throughout handovers remains essential to practice; handing over information at the end of a shift can be quite brief and having written documentation gives professionals the opportunity to look up on patients information, which will hold important details regarding the patient. This is most valuable especially for staff covering shifts; on some occasions professionals contact relief staff members to cover staff shortage. If individuals giving care do not know the patient, it enables them to read up and gain an insight of the patient, including medical history, current treatment and what care to be delivered, therefore enabling them to deliver care confidently (Featherstone, 2008:860-864). However, discussing these four principles regarding the process of record keeping, it highlights the vast amount of impact these principles can have throughout a care plan document. This involves communicating throughout recorded documentation alerting multi-disciplinary teams of patients details based on facts. This allows professionals to know what the patient requires and continue the care agreed to protect the patient from any harm. Communication has an impact throughout a care plan; all recorded information helps towards the progression of the continuity of care, while delivering it throughout the healthcare sector enabling successful care delivery. Care plans are documents of evidence of the care agreed and the arrangements made by professionals who deliver the care. It provides stability to patients and professionals in connection to any medical intervention between those involved ensuring a secure environment so delivery of care can continue (Barrett et al, 2009:13-14). Recog nising the impacts these principles have on a care plan are standard but the acknowledgment of their impact become relevant throughout maintaining. Maintaining a care plan is a fundamental process established by reviewing and audits. Using these methods to maintain a care plan is essential, as it is an ongoing process to protect the welfare of patients. Reviewing and auditing can instigate the cause for professionals to look into a care plan further. Audits of records allows professionals to determine how well policies are implemented within a care environment and how standards of care delivery are set. This helps establish best practice in nursing records and helps to reduce any risk towards the patient safety, which can arise from poor record keeping (Griffiths et al, 2007:1324-1327). Information recorded draws attention upon the needs of the patient. If a patient was continually complaining of chest pain, this would alert nurses and doctors to investigate the problem and further medical intervention maybe required (Geyer, 2007:23-24). Simply doing an audit raises awareness of the need to improve practice. Regular audits on do cumentation have to take place to identify any necessary errors ensuring standards within healthcare facilities are ongoing and up to date. Reviewing is essential as ongoing factual records of a patients health status can highlight changes in a patients condition. Enabling professional has to amend changes for the best interest of the patient when reviewing documentation (Brooker Waugh, 2007:368-369). Reviews put in place help evaluate a patients plan of care, making sure that the care they receive is relevant to their needs at the time. The aim of reviewing documents and how maintaining them in a care plan is essential and is purposely to ensure that the safety of the patient. Reviewing documents in a care plan focuses very much on the individual receiving care. However, the persons involved in providing care to the patient play a big part in the reviewing process to ensure all care is specific to the needs of the patient (Miller Gibb, 2007:271-271). Reviews and audits play a big part in how records maintaining documents keeps practice current and up to date ensuring the best interest of the patient, and protect the p atients from any harm. Conclusion The purpose of record keeping is the care of the patient and is considered has a fundamental part of nursing practice. It is crucial to the well-being of the patient and the delivery of care; it also ensures that professional standards within a healthcare environment, challenging professionals ensuring the delivery of duty of care. Documents have an impact on everybody involved and written records are important and must comply within the record keeping principles and set standards to multidisciplinary teams, in turn, helping contribute to the quality of care being given. The consequences of poor record keeping are quite clear hence the requirement for medical staff to ensure that the proper procedures are undertaken. Professionals need to keep records to safe guard their patients while protecting their welfare, this highlights the need for this to remain as precise as possible throughout maintaining records while care is ongoing. Recording in documents can assist towards the continui ty of care, which provides a safe stable environment for the patient. Professionals working in a health care environment makes them aware that their workload can become very busy, it is important that they do not let this affect their need to keep records. Time should be set aside for record keeping, if records are rushed errors can develop, poor quality of records cannot show to reduce the quality of care. Good record keeping is a characteristic of a skilled practitioner and it is largely about the various forms of communication from one service to another. Records documented correctly appropriately to the NMC 2009 principle of good record keeping guidelines highlights the need of communication throughout written records. Following these principles enhances the fact of how vital record keeping is, and how record keeping is an essential method used to protect the welfare of the patient.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

History of Beer :: Expository Essays Research Papers

History of Beer Between 10,000 and 15,000 years ago, some humans discontinued their nomadic hunting and gathering and settled down to farm. Grain was the first domesticated crop that started that farming process. The oldest proven records of brewing are about 6,000 years old and refer to the Sumerians. Sumeria lay between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers including Southern Mesopotamia. It is said that the Sumerians discovered the fermentation process by chance. No one knows today exactly how this occurred, but it could be that a piece of bread or grain became wet and a short time later, it began to ferment The Sumerians were able to repeat this process and are assumed to be he first civilized culture to brew beer. They had discovered a "divine drink" which certainly was a gift from the gods. The word beer comes from the Latin word bibere, meaning "to drink", and the Spanish word cerveza originates from the Greek goddess of agriculture, Ceres. A vitamin-rich porridge, used daily, beer is reported to have increased health and longevity and reduced disease and malnutrition. The self-medicating properties of alcohol-rich beer also eased the tensions and stresses of daily living in a hostile world. The use of yeast was not yet known at that time. The success of the fermentation process was left to chance, as the brewers unknowingly relied on yeast particles in the air. Considerable scientific research took place in breweries in the 19th century. A famous work from 1876 by Louis Pasteur was Studies Concerning Beer where he revealed his knowledge of micro-organisms. By establishing that yeast is a living microorganism, Pasteur opened the gates for accurately controlling the conversion of sugar to alcohol.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Total Quality Management In Construction Essay -- essays research pape

Total Quality Management In Construction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The major new element in world market competition is quality. During the 1970's and 1980's, the Japanese and their U.S. companies demonstrated that high quality is achievable at lower costs and greater customer satisfaction. It was the result of using the management principles of total quality management (TQM). More and more U.S. companies have demonstrated that such achievements are possible Using TQM as a new way to manage. Such companies also found that they were recognized with everyone pulling in the same direction. Improvement had become a way of live.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Improving competitive position and profit has always been the responsibility of management. Before the 1980's, U.S. management was broadly successful. Until then the dominant management model was that of the autocrat. Management, primly senior management, decided how the business was to operate, including what the policies and objectives were; how it was organized; what jobs were established; and how should they be done. It was an unquestioned axiom that if everyone did what the upper management required, the business would be successful.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Organizations are composed of the people in them and the managers who lead them. People respond strongly to leadership expectations and rewards. If they are given little power in their jobs, they have little interest in improving them. If leaders exhort the members for better output but reward (promotions, bonuses, recognition) for mostly higher output, they get the behavior they reward. Quantity over quality has been a common management philosophy in the United States.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first step in implementing TQM requires the an upper-management change in both philosophy and behavior. Managers must adopt the objectives of customer satisfaction and continuous improvement. They must implement the change to achieve these objectives through their personal and continuous involvement and in the reeducation of everyone in the organization in TQM principles and practices. The past philosophy of management can work reasonably well if a company dominates world markets. When markets become complex and worldwide with more and stronger competitors, a new model is needed. Asian companies and some in the United States have demonstra... ...d competent people, let them do there job. No one knows about the job than the person directly involved with it. 8.Training   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The outcome of training is modified behavior. It may be enhanced interpersonal skills or specific manual skills, but there is a direct, identifiable modification. Training need not consist solely of traditional classroom instruction. Employees can train other employees very effectively.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A company-wide curriculum should be developed that address the needs of each department. Courses should be just long enough to be effective. Anything over three or four days is unlikely to immediately be absorbed into daily work habits. Immediate reinforcement of the training is necessary to be effective. Bibliography 1. R. Stein, The Next Phase of Total Quality Management., Macel Dekker, Inc.,1994. 2. T. Cartin, Principles and Practices of TQM., ASQC Quality Press.,1993. 1. W. Schmidt and J. Finnigan, TQManager., Jossey-Bass Publishers., 1993. 1. B.Brocka and S. Brocka, Quality Management: Implementing The Best Ideas Of the Masters. Irwin, Inc.,1992. 2. H. Kerzner, Project Managment., Van Nostrand Reinhold.,1992.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Sanctity Of Oaths In Medea :: essays research papers

Medea The Sanctity of Oaths Through the play Medea, Euripides shows us the importance of keeping a promise given. At the beginning of the story, we see the play's two opposing views of promise keeping represented by the Nurse and the Tutor. As she stands outside of Medea's house and laments the way Jason has slighted Medea by taking another wife, the Nurse speaks of the 'eternal promise'; Jason and Medea made to each other on their wedding day (17-21). The Nurse wishes Jason were dead for the way he has abandoned his wife and children, so strongly does she feel vows should not be broken (83). When the Tutor enters the scene, he expresses a much more cynical view regarding Jason's decision to leave his wife. He asks the nurse, 'Have you only just discovered / That everyone loves himself more than his neighbor? / Some have good reason, others get something out of it. / So Jason neglects his children for the new bride'; (85-88). The Tutor feels that Jason's leaving Medea is only a part of life, as 'Old ties give place to new ones';. Jason "No longer has a feeling'; for his family with Medea, so he leaves her to marry the princess who will bring him greater power (76-77). Medea is outraged that she sacrificed so much to help Jason, only to have him revoke his pledge to her for his own selfish gain. She asks him whether he thinks the gods whose names he swore by have ceased to rule, thereby allowing him to break his promise to her. Medea vows to avenge her suffering by destroying Jason's new family and his children. When Jason curses his wife for her murdering at the end of the play, she says to him, 'What heavenly power lends an ear / To a breaker of oaths, a deceiver?

Monday, September 16, 2019

Love Vs Liking

Watson English Compare and Contrast Essay 9/24/2014 Loving Someone and Liking Someone: The Comparison What is the difference between loving someone and liking someone, or is there even a difference at all? Loving someone, or something, is to have a strong constant affection for them that may include physical attraction depending on what relation the person is to you. Liking someone, or something, is to enjoy that person, or thing, and to feel affection for the arson in a friendly, or sometimes more than friendly, manner.Both to love and to like that person or thing mean to have affection for it, or them. They both mean that you enjoy and take pleasure in having that person or thing in your life. When you have affection meaning either loving or liking them, for someone then you tolerate and possibly help them with the problems and â€Å"baggage† they bring along. Whether you like that person or you love them, you would do nearly anything for them, depending on the strength of y our feelings.Although the two are similar in most aspects, they do differ in others. There are a few different types of love and liking someone, one is meant for a partner in life and the other is meant for friends who might not last as long. When you like someone, you tolerate them for a short time until they do something to upset you. People you love will not be able to upset you as easily as those you like, and will treat you with consideration whereas friends and those you like, will think of mostly themselves and what they can get out f you.

Catch the Moon

Imagery is an important part of the novel story â€Å"Catch the Moon† by Judith Ortiz Cofer. The The story is about a trouble maker named Luis Cintron who has just gotten home from juvenile hall. Luis works in his father’s junkyard; he is not the happiest teenager doing that job. The author uses the literary element imagery to allow the reader to experience what Luis is experiencing. The author states, â€Å"She stood in the sunlight in her white sundress waiting for his father, while Luis started. She was like a smooth wood carving. Her skin was like mahogany color. † She is being Described as a dark skinned, graceful girl in a white dress. This description involves the sense of sight. The reader can picture Noami perfectly. (Pg. 64) The text states perfectly, â€Å"Eat the yellow rice and red beans, the fried chicken, mouth watering sweet plantains that his mother had cooked for them. † The description gives the reader an example of the color, flavor, and smell of the food. The author uses imagery to engage the reader’s sense of taste in the story. (Pg. 66) The story appeals to the sense of touch when the author states, â€Å"When it was almost midnight, Luis’s hands were cut bruised from his work†. This demonstrates imagery involving touch and the reader Imagines how Luis’s hands were cut, and bruised from his work. The imagery referring to touch is a great example of how things can be imagined in the reader’s head. Pg. 68) In conclusion, â€Å"Catch the Moon† is a story full of imagery. Luis is attracted by Naomi, she gets described really well, she helps Luis stay out of trouble and to stay on the right path. The food in the story was described in a great imagery of taste and smell. The imagery the author uses for touch gives the reader an idea of how Luis go cut and bruised. Using imagery in the story is a good way to read the experience of the characters.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Major Pairs Of Salivary Glands Health And Social Care Essay

The three major braces of salivary secretory organs in the unwritten pit are parotid secretory organs, sublingual secretory organs and submandibular secretory organs. The parotid secretory organs are the largest brace of secretory organ locates posterior to the angle of the jaw, inferior and median to the ears. The other two smaller braces are sublingual secretory organs and submandibular secretory organs, which locate deep in the floor of the oral cavity. In add-on to these major secretory organs and other minor salivary secretory organs are placed throughout the oral cavity. Saliva is indispensable to unwritten wellness. The most obvious and of import map in the unwritten pit is to keep of wellness of the dentition and the soft tissues. It is protective in its maps of lubrication and cleaning. Xerostomia means waterlessness of the oral cavity. It is a symptom of different medical conditions, a side consequence of a broad assortment of medicines or caput and cervix radiation therapy . It is a ailment that is caused by absence or diminished measure of spit. Lack of spit and cut downing unwritten lubrication would impact many maps. Patient may see dry oral cavity are of import lending factors to unwritten uncomfortableness, dental cavities and other infections as a effect of the decreased defense mechanisms ( Gater, 2008 ) .Functions of spit:Saliva is produced through all of the secretory organs, which is portion of the digestive procedure for lubricate and interrupting down the nutrient. It besides helps get downing and normal gustatory sensation perceptual experience. Saliva contains assorted antimicrobic constituents such as muramidase, mucin, histatins and other substances that aid in opposition to disease ( Scully & A ; Felix, 2005 ) . Saliva has many of import maps including mechanical cleansing action to take of nutrient dust, control of pH for remineralisation and antimicrobic activity, or lubrication of the unwritten pit to keep the unity of the unwritte n mucous membrane ( Wilkins, 2005 ) .Diagnosis and rating of dry mouth:For a dental hygienist to name dry mouth can be based on grounds that acquired from the patient ‘s history, an intraoral scrutiny of the unwritten pit and saliva trial. Xerostomia should be considered if the patient holding trouble eating dry nutrient, problems on get downing or complains of dry oral cavity, peculiarly at dark. The unwritten mucous membrane may be dry and gluey, or frequently appear erythematous as a consequence of an giantism of Candida albicans. The ruddy spots may normally happen on the difficult or soft roof of the mouth and dorsal surface of the lingua. Sporadically, pseudomembranous moniliasis will be present, removable white plaques may look on any mucosal surface. There may be small or no pooled spit in the floor of the oral cavity, and the lingua as looking dry with little Numberss of papillae. The spit may be thick and gluey. Dental cavities may be probably found at the cervical b order or the incisal borders of the dentition ( Greenspan, 1996 ) .Common causes of dry mouth:Certain drugs, diseases and upsets can do the salivary secretory organs non to work decently and therefore lessening saliva production. Medicine is the most prevailing cause of dry mouth. Xerogenic drugs such as cytotoxic drugs can straight damage the salivary secretory organs. The chief wrongdoers are antidepressants, anorexiants, antihistamines, major tranquilizers, anticholinergics, anti-Parkinson agents, antihypertensives, depressants and water pills. Other common drugs that cause xerostomia include skeletal musculus relaxants, bronchodilators anodynes, antiemetics, antidiarrheals, antianxiety agents and decongestants. These many drugs may act upon the quality and measure of spit ; nevertheless these effects are by and large short term ( Astor, Hanft, & A ; Ciocon, 1999 ; Sreebny & A ; Schwartz, 1997 ) . As a dental hygienist an interview should be taken in patients kicking of dry mouth and reviewed their medicines. Patients may necessitate to alter the doses or medicines if possible to heighten salivary flow. Liquids preparations may be more benefitted and sublingual dose signifiers would necessitate to avoid. We may advice patients to lubricate the pharynx and oral cavity with glass of H2O before taking tablets or capsules. We may see altering one medicine from another with less anticholinergic activity but besides with comparable efficaciousness ( McDonald & A ; Marino, 1991 ) . Sjogren ‘s syndrome ( SS ) is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease normally doing dry mouth that occurs in bulk of postmenopausal adult females. Patients are normally associated with dry oral cavity and dry eyes. The other clinical characteristics of SS are grounds of an autoimmune reaction shown by serum autoantibodies and confirmed by continuing mononucleate cell infiltrates in labial salivary secretory organ biopsy. About tierce of patients with SS normally associated with expansion of major salivary secretory organs. At this phase there is no remedy for the disease. The preferred therapy is to pull off symptoms ( Dyke, 2000 ) . Amyloidosis and sarcoidosis are other chronic inflammatory diseases that cause dry mouth. In amyloidosis, starchlike retains in the salivary secretory organs, which conduce in development of dry mouth. In sarcoidosis, noncaseating epithelioid granulomas in salivary secretory organs to do decreased salivary flow ( Greenspan, 1996 ) . Other systemic diseases that can do xerostomia include diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, dermatosclerosis, arthritic arthritis, hormone upsets, systemic lupus erythematosus, bone marrow organ transplant, cystic fibrosis, nutritionary lacks, Bright's disease, thyroid disfunction and neurological diseases. Hyposecretory conditions, such as atrophic gastritis, primary bilious cirrhosis, and pancreatic inadequacy, may besides do dry mouth. Stroke may alter the ability to see unwritten esthesiss. Xerostomia can do from impaired H2O consumption, polyuria or diarrhoea. Psychogenetic causes, such as depression, emphasis, anxiousness or fright can besides ensue in dry mouth. Salivary secretory organ secernment is chiefly under the influence of the autonomic nervous system. In acute anxiousness, due to sympathetic stimulation, the oral cavity may experience dry. Advancing age and oral cavity external respiration, are besides associated with dry oral cavity because of a decrease of saliva ry acini, with a autumn in salivary secretory modesty ( Scully & A ; Felix, 2005 ) . Dry oral cavity is frequently leaded to activities such as hyperventilation, cigarettes smoking or intoxicant imbibing. Trauma to the caput and neck country can damage the nervousnesss for providing esthesis to the oral cavity, which affect the normal map of the salivary secretory organs ( Astor, et al. , 1999 ) . Standard radiation therapy to the caput and cervix is one of most common toxicity associated with xerostomia. Radiation can alter in the serous secretory cells, doing a decrease in spit flow and increased viscousness of the spit. The early ailment from patients after with radiation therapy is thick or gluey spit. The grade of lasting xerostomia depends on the radiation dosage and the volume of salivary secretory organ exposed to radiation. These alterations are typically lasting ( Anke Petra Jellema, 2007 ) .Management of dry mouth:Any implicit in cause of dry mouth should hold possible be rectified. Some stairss need to be taken to understate the consequence of the implicit in cause. For patients with xerostomia is related to medicine usage, it is of import to keep conformity with the medicine direction. Diagnostic intervention should be included in four classs: replacement lost secernments, heightening spit flow, control of dental cavities and specific intervention of infections ( Greenspan, 1996 ) . Patients should be educated into attempts to avoid factors that may increase waterlessness and every bit good as to maintain the mouth moist. Using diabetic Sweets or sugar free masticating gums can excite salivation. Merely a specializer should utilize cholinergic drugs that stimulate salivation such as pilocarpine or cevimeline. A pharmaceutical company has late been developed a new Natrol Dry Mouth Relief, uses a patented class of anhydrous crystalline malt sugar ( ACM ) to excite saliva production. In a clinical survey of patients with Sjorgren ‘s Syndrome, ACM was shown to increase secernments and significantly better patient ‘s subjective appraisal of symptoms ( Fox, MJCummins, & A ; Cummins, 2001 ) . Artificial spit or saliva replacements such as Optimoist spray, Salix tablets, V. A. Oralube sodium-free liquid, Salivart, Xero-Lube Artificial Saliva are formulated to copy natural spit can be used to moisture and lubricate the oral cavity. Howeve r they can be merely considered as replacing therapy instead than a remedy because they do non excite salivary secretory organ production. There are besides many scientific research on advancing saliva production and simulation such as the production of fungicidal proteins of course happening in serous salivary secretory organs, antimicrobic peptides originally derived by histatins ( Der, Vissink, Veerman, & A ; Amerongen, 1999 ; Fox, et al. , 2001 ) . Another country of research includes Prednisolone irrigation of parotid secretory organs is being investigated as a possible intervention of dry mouth in patients with Sjogren ‘s syndrome ( Izumi, et al. , 1998 ) . Slow-release bringing systems for pilocarpine are besides being investigated. Inoculation with auto-reactive T cells or with T cell receptor peptides is another country of research, as is the possibility of infixing H2O transporting proteins or aquaporins, in the cell membrane of the ductal cells ( Der, et al. , 1999 ) . Patient with dry mouth are at additions hazard of developing cavities and other unwritten complications. A day-to-day ego unwritten scrutiny may be recommended by look intoing any abnormalcies such as dark, white or ruddy spots, ulcers or tooth decay. Patients should hold regular alveolar consonant cheque up. It is of import to rede patients non to take sugary or acidic nutrients and drinks, every bit good as keeping a high criterion of unwritten hygiene. Topical fluoride agent signifiers are one of the of import constituents of patients ‘ long-run attention.Decision:Xerostomia is a common job can hold a important consequence on a patient ‘s quality of life if non recognised and treated decently. As a dental hygienist we have to travel through a proper appraisal, provide an appropriate intervention, emphasise bar, patients ‘ instruction and specialist referral to understate dry mouth and its consequence on patients ‘ dental wellness and quality of life.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Formal Analysis of Statue of Eros Sleeping

The statue of Eros sleeping is one of the key attractions in the metropolitan museum collections for the lovers of ancient Greek history. A glimpse at the magnificent work of art takes one away, far back in time to the Hellenistic age. Clearly it is one of the most remarkable works in the Metropolitan Museums total collection.The statues sculptor is not known but the time of its making has been correctly identified. Moreover historical studies have revealed much surrounding the statue of Eros as a sleeping baby. The Bronze Statue of Eros Sleeping dates back from the 3rd century B.C. to the early 1st century A.D.Recovered from the Rhode Island, the statue is one of the few surviving bronze art pieces from the Greek period to have endured the test of the centuries in an almost flawless state. [1]The statue, which measured 85.2 cm in length, is displayed in the Greek wing of the museum. Undoubtedly, the Bronze Statue of Eros Sleeping is noteworthy not only for physical aspects but also for its iconographic significance in art history, particularly in understanding Greek culture of which the statue was once a part of.The ability of the statue to last for so long shows its sculptors determination to make a lasting piece that he no doubt meant to preserve the cherished culture of the time.The Greek bronze sculptures that were made at the time were complexes of geometric forms that resulted in the making of peculiar sculptures that distinguished the Greek culture. The sculptures of the Greek were different from the sculptures of the other contemporary cultures such as the Romans culture.According to carol C. Mattusch, who is a leading authority in the study of the Greek ancient bronze sculptures, the bronze sculptures that were made at the Hellenistic period were made with a certain design that the artists intended to carry a specific message.In the case of the gods sculptures the link with the people was the power the gods were believed to have over the people. In th e case of the statue of Eros sleeping there was no particular buyer but it was meant for the people of the Greek region as a whole.[2]In its location in the Metropolitan Museum, the Bronze Statue of Eros Sleeping commands the viewer’s attention by being a freestanding figure that makes it stand out in the empty exhibition space. It is best seen from the frontal angle, where the viewer has a full view of the entire statue. The statues composition also demands that it be seen from a small distance in order to get a full sense of the effect of the statue against its surroundings.Taken on its own, the Bronze Statue of Eros Sleeping presents an exemplary case study of the rendering of human forms in Greek Art. Here, the artist displays a keen knowledge of the material, and is able to take advantage of bronze as medium in making the statue as life-like as possible as it gives the statue a sense of fluidity and movement.On the other hand, bronze also enables the statue to gain a sen se of mass and weight, which is appropriate to the figure of Eros in deep slumber. Likewise, the bronze medium allowed the artist to manipulate the natural qualities of the medium to create the human form.The medium of bronze is a powerful agent for the recognition of the immediate environment in which the Greek people in the Hellenistic period lived. It helps make a symbol potent of both religious and secular values. As one of the few bronze statutes that have survived from the antiquity it is an enduring icon of the naturalistic detail of the age. The result of the presence of such a statue is history in the firsthand.The statue is deemed to have had a base that was carved out of stone in place of the support it lies on in the museum. The base, just like the statue, would probably be a rendition of comfortable material in work of art just as befits the sleeping baby deity. As a god of love he was deemed to have such qualities as bodily comeliness and to be the bearer of graceful d eeds.The child image would not be a symbol of the god of love without the addition of wings to the statue. The statue of an innocent child in slumber with curled hairs and other details of a well fed child would be too plain for a god. Greek gods were believed to be spirits that had wings that were useful for them to fly from one destination to another.Clearly, the artist was able to engender movement by using forms that complement the use of open lines. Hence, one of the most notable aspects of the statue is the use of organic forms that mimic the natural curves of the human body to depict the cherubic appeal of a healthy child.There is also evidence that the artist considered the influence of light on the statues composition. For instance, Eros face is only partially exposed to the light, which gives him an air of mystery as half of his face is hidden in the dark. The retention of the mediums color also gives it the contrasts in hue created by the natural play of light on the stat ue.[1] Hemingway, Sean. 2007. Hellenistic bronze sculptures at the Metropolitan Museum: from gods to grotesques. Apollo. P. 27[2] Mattusch, carol. Classical Bronzes: The Art and Craft of Greek and Roman Statuary, Cornell University Press, 1996, p. 164 Â  

Friday, September 13, 2019

Marriage and Relationship Annotated Bibliography

Marriage and Relationship - Annotated Bibliography Example Conversely, couples who did indulge themselves into premarital sex, normally report of having poor sex quality. Primarily, this is due to the deprivation of one’s innocence coupled with mistrust that an individual suffered before where he or she extends it into the marriage. Since, the partners in terms of matters of sex seem to generalize their spouses with the numerous sexual partners, which they had before.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hawkins, A. J., & Ooms, T. (2012). Can Marriage and Relationship Education Be an Effective   Policy Tool to Help Low-Income Couples Form and Sustain Healthy Marriages and   Relationships? A Review of Lessons Learned. Marriage & Family Review, 48(6), 524-  554. doi:10.1080/01494929.2012.677751.  Hawkins and Ooms have synthesized diverse researchers’ findings regarding marriages’ support by public through Marriage and Relationship Education (MRE) (Hawkins & Ooms, 2012). The aim is to enable individuals and couples who are low-income ea rners to have satisfaction and stable marriages. Mainly, this is despite challenging economic predicaments that they may encounter and threaten their union. The article also reports how the involved couples and individuals seem to enjoy the mode of education besides preferring its continuance due to the support that they normally get from the program. However, Hawkins and Ooms have observed how the pioneers of the programs are facing challenges in addressing specific and varying predicaments affecting marriages. This is to ensure effective handling of marriage issues.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

BU3019c Enterprise Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

BU3019c Enterprise Finance - Essay Example No matter the size of the business, big or small, banks can be the solution to financing. A bank can also finance a project based on the business needs. For instance, if a large successful business needed a new warehouse, a bank might advance cash. Big business generally have banks issue stocks or bonds on the market to raise money for their loans. This can generate money, but if the bank or stock fails, the results are disaster. For example, Northern Rocks Share price crashed after credit freezes in the interbank money market. Walayat (2007) explains: Northern Rocks Share price crashed by 30% today as the mortgage bank sought emergency funds from the Bank of England due to the credit freeze in the interbank money market which Northern Rock heavily relies upon. Panic gripped savers forming long lines outside Northern Rock Branches throughout the UK to withdraw funds. Investors dumping the stock on the market open where even unsubstantiated rumors of takeovers and white knights failed to halt the crash in the banks share price. The tick chart for the Northern Rock bank decline is shown below: The drawbacks for bank loans are two fold. First, most banks require collateral. If a party defaults on a bank loan, the bank will foreclose. Secondly, a business must have good credit. Without almost perfect credit, banks will not even consider giving a business a loan. The upside is most banks have lower interest rates than other means of investment. For example, (Simple Pound, 2007) reports that The Bank of England has a 5.5% interest rate. This is quite low considering credit cards charge up to three times that figure. The chart below shows the highs and lows in interest rate at The Bank of England over the years. Investments can be used in various ways to finance a business (Loeb, 2007, 10). An international corporation, such as Microsoft, can sell stocks to generate financing for their

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Employee motivation - case scenario Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Employee motivation - case scenario - Essay Example switching all the data base on to a computerized Management Information System that can be accessed by each member from anywhere around the globe. Looking over the companies needs and requirements, the Lewins Change Management Model seems to be the most adequate choice of change for the organization. This shall be further justified along side the three steps to this process. During project proposal, several people will and will not be in favour due to personal reasons and opinions. These individuals will be reluctant to change and hence will resist for it to occur. The solution is to unfreeze the pessimism by convincing them of the benefits that will be received through the new system. The main reasons for reluctancy may be due to feeling neglected of their importance and value, autonomy, monotony of work, job insecurity, lack of computer skills and literacy, lowered salaries etc as stated by Freud. However, automation is the main concern considering all manual data systems (humans) will be replaced by computer systems. The company now re-establishes itself and the staff refreezes itself into the new change of work operations. This is done gradually as each member will adapt to the new system with time. Business activities will then be within a click of a button, with the vast media horizon of internet emails, chats, audio and video conferencing etc. (Normandin, 2012) All the departments will be affected including the accounts, administrative and human resource departments. The aim is to achieve paperless forms of communication with its various clients and suppliers. However, all the employees will not be in favour of this huge change so employee motivation strategies must be employed. Looking into Maslows Hierarchy of Phsical, Emotional and Intellectual Needs for Employee Motivation will help overcome resolve this issue. (Maslow,

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Markiting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Markiting - Essay Example The two dimensions of the BCG model, market growth and relative market share, serve as proxies for industry attractiveness and competitive advantage respectively which are two important determinants of company profitability (â€Å"BCG Matrix† para 1). Looking at it from the product lifecycle point of view, it is often prudent for an organization to have a balanced product portfolio consisting of both high-growth and low-growth products. High-growth products are those that require greater resources and effort to market now but that have a high probability of generating immense revenues in the future, for example Apple could categorize the iPad here. On the other hand, a low-growth product is an already established product that brings the organization constant flow of cash for example in Apple’s case the iMac. The BCG model operates under two important assumptions. First of all, increasing market share leads to an increase in the generation of cash. The experience curve manifests that relative market share increases as a firm creates cost advantages (â€Å"BCG Matrix† para 2). Secondly, a growing market requires investment in assets to increase capacity which results in the consumption of cash.

Monday, September 9, 2019

NIC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

NIC - Essay Example For this reason, I would strongly believe and concur that nursing interventions would be different for less and more experienced nurses. First, several strategies are employed in the development of a critical thought of nursing education. These strategies are essential in the attainment of high-quality nursing/clinical practice; hence, likely to be found among the more experienced nursed. Second, the nursing interventions would be different since the most experienced nurses have a high accuracy to clinical practice and would not waste time and energy in handling any case. This would ensure that minimal harm is caused to the patients, and their respective families satisfied. Third, more experienced nurses would have better nursing interventions than the less experienced ones due to the professional engagements they have undertaken. These nurses possess essential features of nursing such as the provision of caring relationships to patients; hence, facilitating health and healing (Macnee & McCabe, 2007). They also pay attention to the variety of human experiences and rejoinders that entail health or illness within the respective physical environments, and are well equipped to integrate knowledge with data assessments obtained from patient appreciations. Finally, the more experienced nurses are better at nursing interventions due to their capability to apply scientific knowledge to diagnosis and treatment processes through judgmental and critical thinking. Therefore, they have the capability to influence public and social policies towards the promotion of social justice in health institutions. The more experienced nurses are able to think critically than the less experienced ones; hence, an indication of a knowledge base from which to reason, analyze, and appraise evidence (Hughes et al.,

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Explain the differences between the regulation of abortion in the Essay

Explain the differences between the regulation of abortion in the United Kingdom and the United States of America; and speculate how any reforms may occur - Essay Example The first is when a woman’s pregnancy seems to be life threatening. The latter term refers to any significant risks to both the physical and mental health of the patient. The medical risk must be something assessed by two doctors if the pregnancy has exceeded twenty four weeks. In the event that the pregnancy would cause severe medical damage to a mother or that it happens to be a medical emergency, then consent from just one doctor is enough to terminate the pregnancy. 2 The second circumstance that would allow for an abortion in the United Kingdom is in the event that the unborn child will have extreme mental or physical abnormalities. The abnormalities must be certified by a medical practitioner. It should be noted that the above two restrictions apply in Wales, Scotland, and England but not in Northern Ireland. All in all, abortions in the UK are illegal except for medical reasons. In this country, abortion was legalised in the 1970s after the proverbial case of Roe v. Wade. However there are still numerous laws in place to regulate abortions so as to ensure that it is done well; the first among these are the TRAP laws. 3 These are laws are directed towards medical practitioners offering abortions and do not apply to other types pf practitioners. The government introduced this so that there could be greater safety in the process of conducting abortions. These laws mostly dwell on the way the abortion procedure is conducted rather than the choices made prior to the abortion. Consequently, the laws normally affect doctors rather than mothers but the effects are also felt by women. His first requirement in these laws is that doctors offering abortion services need to have a valid licence and failure to do so will result in fines. The other one is that the department of health can check on performance of procedures during any hour of operation, clinics are

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Critique of the painting child girl Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critique of the painting child girl - Essay Example The essay "Critique of the painting "child girl"" discovers the painting "child girl" by Richard Phillips. The painting called the Girl Child was created by the artist in 1996-97 but other than that there is no inclination of why the artist has chosen such a subject. Richard Phillips has been known to say that there is a hidden connectivity or common thread that runs through most of his subjects, but where one series ends and another one starts is for the artist to say. Although the painting of the Girl Child is very realistic, it has the dubious distinction of both drawing people towards it and away from it, depending on what they interpret from the images and the subject matter. The painting called the Girl Child by Richard Phillips is possibly one of the most debated contemporary paintings in modern day America. It is an oil painting on a linen canvas and is one cannot help being awestruck by its sheer size of 90 x 100 inches. It currently hangs on display at the Collection of the Modern Museum of Art in Fort Worth Texas, USA. There are two images in the stated painting. One is of a small girl, not more than six or seven years of age, yet eerie and foreboding in its composure. It is almost as if the girl was haunted, as a deep dark eerie look is in evidence here. It is as if she is asking us for something, her plush blond locks hanging by her side as the focus is on the deep-set eyes and even more deep-set, bloodshot look. Her hair is parted down the middle of her forehead.

Cultural differences and similarities between Russia and Tunisia Essay Example for Free

Cultural differences and similarities between Russia and Tunisia Essay The countries of Tunisia and Russia are two very different nations with two very different peoples. Though the countries do share certain similarities, the culture there and the cultural specifics of the people in the two nations are quite different. The main differences between the two nations come as a result of lifestyle and religion, which trickle down to impact the rest of the culture in the countries. Tunisia is the northernmost country in Africa, but it is different from many of the African nations that surround it. The culture there is dominated by religion, as it is a highly Muslim country. The majority of the people not only follow the religion, but closely adhere to the cultural conditions that the religion mandates. There is little room in the nation for people who are different, as homosexuality is considered a crime and women are discouraged from wearing anything other than extremely conservative clothing. This is, in short, the Tunisian way and it must be adhered to by residents and visitors alike. The cuisine there is highly based upon the religion, as a lot of Arab food is present. It all conforms to the Muslim standards. In Russia, there is an emphasis on religion, but because the nation is so large, the people are not controlled by only one religion. In fact, many different religions permeate the population and most co-exist peacefully. One can draw some similarities between the two cultures in at least one regard. Art is very important to the people of Russia, just as it is to Tunisians. In Tunisia, one can find many different art museums and festivals. This can happen in Russia, as well, as there are some of the finest art displays in the entire world there. All in all, this is one of the strongest similarities for two nations that are separated by a strict religious difference barrier.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Reflection on Global Operation Management Essay Example for Free

Reflection on Global Operation Management Essay Pietra Rivoli who is an associate professor in the Georgetown University, specializes in finance and social issues, and is the author of the book, ‘The Travels of a T-shirt in the Global Economy’. The main reason which instigated Rivoli to write this book, was a speech a student had given at the Georgetown University, the student was severely criticizing globalization, and asking about who made the T-shirts they were wearing. She told some facts about child labor in India and Vietnam, which made everybody, sit up and think, including Rivoli. Rivoli then starts on a journey to find out some interesting facts about the origin of the T-shirt. Her case study starts in Texas at the home of Nelson Reinch, who produces enough cotton for more than 1.3 million T-shirts. Reinch and his colleagues control the whole world market of cotton, through hard work, determination, modern technology and much needed discounts from the government. Reinch was no where in comparison to the poor farmers in India and Africa, who did not have proper funds or government support in marketing their goods. Rivoli’s next stop was China, were she met a young woman Yuang Zhi, who spun the yarn for the fabric and sewed the shirt. This young lady worked for 50 hours a week, and earned nearly $150 per month. This woman’s working conditions were far better than the conditions in which women had to work previously in Manchester and England. This was probably the woman’s first encounter with independence and identity, which came in the form a paycheck, even though it was a small amount.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The most important point which was very surprising was that, throughout the world there must be millions of people who manufacture cotton, but the manufacturers from Texas were totally dominating the cotton industry, because of their shrewd manner by which they manage to avoid competition. These manufacturers manage to control the market by avoiding the labor market, which make the other manufacturers unable to compete with them due to no government and political assistance, lack of proper education and money. People who support globalization vow by the free trade of clothes, as it can be used to the advantage of the poorer countries. Rivoli was surprised to find that how recycled clothes from the USA were a rage in Tanzania. Used clothes from America get imported in huge quantities to Tanzania. Tanzania is a small country which was slowly proceeding towards a more liberal capitalist system from the socialist model. People are able to freely take part in the daily auctions of the clothes at the market place, and merchants are also making a mark for themselves in the cutthroat markets as consumers or retailers. Rivoli feels that free trade should be encouraged without any government or political interference in the markets. According to the author, United States is on the top of the market whereas Africa is at the bottom; she feels that USA will have a better chance to make progress economically if they give a reasonable chance of competition to other poorer countries. Tanzania is a proper example of how a free market should work, and these markets are extremely professional, but do not get acknowledged, because of the low capital raised through such markets, which is not significant. Two of the most important principles which need to be followed are that, government and political interference should not be there in any market. Another point is that the subsidy which US government gives the cotton manufacturers is indirectly harming other poorer countries. Rich people are becoming wealthier and the poor are becoming poorer. If the subsidies are reduced, the price of cotton can be increased, which would be beneficial to other poorer markets. Another important point which is a shock is that the clothes that people donate, are not given away freely to poor people, but are sold to middlemen for huge profits, which later land in the streets of   the Tanzania marketplace. Some of the most important principles which can be followed by other industries also are that free market in any trade should be encouraged, and people should have the power to voice their demands, meaning a free democracy should be prevalent to achieve a fruitful society. Government should support free trade in any industry, and should provide the necessary platform in the form of proper education and capital to help the markets grow. Some of the other reasons for the trouble that African industries are facing are the lack of proper authority, which is due to no proper education, corruption and insecurity. The author Rivoli made a very good job of the book, she was successful in exposing the secrets and complications of the cotton trade globally.   Her views on free trade and liberal democracy are very interesting, and should be followed by the authorities of the poorer countries for a better society. On the whole she succeeded in voicing her thoughts and opinions on the recycle market in Tanzania, and hopefully, their government will provide a strong platform for such global trades. References Kris Hundley, What a T-shirt Teaches Series., St Petersburg Times, 4 October 2007, f29a46475f850792f7bc0fa9did=819871301FMT=FTFMTS=FTdate=author=pu b=printformat=1desc=What+a+T-shirt+teaches+Series%3A+BOOKS. Lauren Dorsey, Lauren Barbieri, Zack Thomas, ‘The Travelers of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy, by Pietra Rivoli’, 4 October 2007,